Lista Light

Details of the route that we are taking or have taken with dates and distances for each leg are in the table below.
Click on the green dot for pictures and log extracts for each section.

Click From/To Date No. days No. miles
Bristol to Brest
The rush to finally get away, out through the locks at Bristol, down the Avon and the Severn, quick stop at Lundy, and down to France, arriving at the Brest wooden boat festival
01/07/2004 4 300
Brest to La Coruna
The crossing of Biscay, and the gale!
20/07/2004 20 450
La Coruna to Gibraltar
Easy cruising down the coast of Spain and Portugal, up the river to Seville, and down into the Med
10/08/2004 40 320
Gibraltar to Porto Santo/Madeira
Zooming out of the Med, more strong winds off Portugal before crossing to Porto Santo, Lavada walking in Madeira
25/09/2004 21 510
Porto Santo / Madeira to Canaries
Strong winds out of Madeira, dead calms and swimming in the middle of the ocean
19/10/2004 5 250
Canaries to Cape Verde Islands
New crew and variable winds to Cape Verde
03/11/2004 10 870
Cape Verde Islands to Antigua
Stocking up for the big crossing, 19 days at sea, mending the boat in Antigua, Christmas in the Caribbean
16/11/2004 20 2110
Antigua to St Lucia
Island hopping in the Caribbean with lots of visitors
01/01/2005 40 430
St Lucia to Colon
New crew in Bonaire, amazing sailing to Sanblas, Molas and the Indians, waiting for the canal
22/02/2005 40 1120
Colon to Balboa (Panama Canal)
Scary moments in the canal and the first look at the Pacific Ocean
04/04/2005 2 60
Balboa to Galapagos Islands
Solar eclipse, the Pacific, marine life and seals, volcanoes
08/04/2005 9 850
Galapagos Islands to Marquesas
22 days at sea, mountain scenery in the Marquesas
02/04/2005 30 3060
Marquesas to Tuamotu
Reefs, atolls, palm trees and sea life
14/06/2005 5 480
Tuamotu to Society Islands
Back to civilisation in Tahiti, sightseeing and mountain climbing
27/06/2005 3 280
Society Islands to Cook Islands
Into New Zealand territory and back to English speaking
26/08/2005 6 550
Cook Islands to Tonga (via Niue)
Exploring Niue by motorbike, two days to Tonga and effortless cruising in the Vavau group
05/09/2005 10 850
Tonga to Fiji
Big winds and sea on passage, exploring islands, reefs and indo-Fijian culture
22/09/2005 4 440
Fiji to New Zealand
The last passage - mixed sailing, cold weather and we all go our separate ways
17/10/2005 11 1070
Preparing to leave NZ
Preparing to leave New Zealand - repairs and improvements, new crew come aboard
New Zealand to New Caledonia
Goodbye to New Zealand, first stop New Caledonia. Wind came from almost every angle and we finished with the iron sail.
19/04/2006 7 830
New Caledonia to Australia
20 days at sea, through the Torres Strait before we came into Darwin. General maintenance with a few creature comforts.
29/04/2006 17 2270
Australia to Christmas Island
Two new crew Amiria and Gareth. Beautiful sail with barely any sail changes to do - plenty of time for maintenance.
26/05/2006 14 1500
Christmas Island to Cocos Keeling
Mad rush to reprovision in Christmas before the shops closed, with Noel and Martin taking a dive before the 4-day sail to Cocos
12/06/2006 5 530
Cocos Keeling to Chagos
After a beautiful four days in Cocos Keeling we bought what fresh vegetables were available and headed for Chagos.
19/06/2006 15 1520
Chagos to Seychelles
We visited two different parts of Chagos during our eight day stay. Seven days in the Salomans and one day in Peros Bahnos. Beautiful sail to Seychelles. Didn't have to touch the sails for three days
09/07/2006 8 1160
Seychelles to Aden
After a seven lovely days in Mahe with the odd drunken evening we headed for the island of Praslin for a night before heading for Aden. The first five days next to no wind. 21 day passage total.
27/07/2006 13 1460
Aden to Safaga (Via Suakin)
After freeing our stuck anchor we left Aden for Safaga. Flat calm for five days with good progress made. Whale sharks sighted and swam with on fifth day. Did two tacks at the end to get into Safaga.
18/08/2006 15 1400
Safaga to Suez
After spending five days total we left early evening for the final leg of the red sea. In the bottle neck with lots of ships and oil rigs for company. A huge sigh of relief as we finally tie up.
08/09/2006 6 200
Port Said to Malta
After transiting the canal we shot through the other end and keep going straight on to Malta. Diesel stop in Crete and then onwards. One bad squall but nothing that we couldn't manage.
15/09/2006 8 940
Malta to Gibraltar
A varied passage with a quick stop in Sicily. Passed the Meridian Line and saw the legendary Brutus come to life again.
29/09/2006 8 1020
Gibraltar to Portugal
A hard push to get out of the Gibraltar Strait. Followed by little wind. Quick maintenance stop in Portugal. Greeted by a force seven/eight off of Spain.
09/10/2006 4 300
Portugal to England
Leaving Vigo into a force eight. After completely calming down the next day we motored for the next few days to the Isle's of Scilly. From there to Lundy and then Bristol and the party.
15/10/2006 3 200

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